Offering a wide variety of Sheep Gifts and breeding sheep to ranchers since 1985.
Thank Ewe Card
Whimsical Sheep Cards
Sheep Scarf
Felted Notions Bags
Sheep Tote Bag
Sheep Placemat
Beehive Pewter Ornament
Morgan Pewter Ornament
Ewe and Lamb Night Light
Colorful Sheep Embroidery Kit
Boo Boo Ball First Aid Kits
Lamb Blanket Duo
Wood Box Signs
Round Felted Sheep Scene Pin
Felted Pendants & Earrings
Nattie Mousepad
Lilly Lamb Pillow
Wool Pins And Jewelry
Big Horn Ram Coasters
Greek Jewelry Case
Lady - Lamb Tea Towel
Lady - Lamb Pouch
Wool Ornament
Little Lamb Night Light
Sheep Pendulum Clock
Ewephoric Horned Dorset Yarns
Companion Notebook for Spent Identity
Sheep With Orange Legs Lapel Pin
Bad Boys Tapestry Throw
Ewegene Bookworm
Sheep Against Barn Pillow
Woollit Wanderers Print
Indoor-Outdoor Thermometer
Herdwick Ram-Felted
Polled Dorsets & Horned Ewe Notecard Set
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